
Sunday, August 3, 2008

The First Ever Transplantation World-Wide of Entire Arms at the "Klinikum rechts der Isar" in Munich

MUNICH, August 1, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- On the 25th/26th of July the first ever transplantation of entire arms was performed at the "Klinikum rechts der Isar" of the Technical University of Munich. The responsibility for the operation lay with the Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery. The operation, performed by a team of approx. 40 people, was headed by PD Dr. Christoph Hohnke (senior physician for Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery) and Prof. Edgar Biemer (former head of Plastic Surgery Department).
In a working accident six years ago, both of the 54-year old farmer's arms were severed at the upper arms. He contacted the Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery at the "Klinikum rechts der Isar". The clinic's doctors are very experienced in the fields of microsurgery and replantation surgery and in the interdisciplinary preparation and planning of operations as well. Furthermore, the clinic's the Centre for Liver, Kidney and Pancreas Transplantations has intensive know-how in the field of immunosuppression.
PD Dr. Christoph Hohnke and Prof. Edgar Biemer, have been concerning themselves intensively for years both clinically and scientifically with all questions relating to transplantation and microsurgery.
A donor was found on July 25 th at around 10p.m. Christoph Hohnke began operating simultaneously with 2 teams in 2 operating theatres. One group on the left and right sides of both donor and recipient, and another team that removed a leg vein from the donor.
Both the 15-hour long operation and the first few days thereafter were ideal from the patient's point of view. His condition is excellent, considering the circumstances.


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